Drumhead Service

In liaison with representatives of Mearns History Group and the Newton Mearns branch of the British Legion, East Renfrewshire Council organised a multi-faith, Drumhead service in the grounds of Mearns Kirk Church as part of their programme to commemorate the First World War and the impact this had on our local community.

A Drumhead Service is a church service conducted “in the field” during armed conflict, often near the battlefront. Lacking a church to attend, the military command used its drums, piled neatly and draped with appropriate colours (national or regimental flags, for example) to create an altar. Remembering, in much of the Western World, military chaplains or padres were expected to conduct non-denominational or multi-denominational services to the troops, the drumhead altar was a “generic” altar, suited to its military purpose.

Our Head Girl and Boy – Katie Dunn and Fraser Cameron – represented the school in this important event and formed part of the parade of ‘Colours’ at the start and end of the service.

Well done to Katie and Fraser for supporting  our local community.

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