Shirley Roberts Memorial Tournament

On Thursday 5 June we held the Shirley Roberts Memorial Tournament in honour of our beloved friend and colleague who died suddenly last August.  All schools from East Renfrewshire (St Ninian’s, Woodfarm, Williamwood, Eastwood, Mearns Castle, St Luke’s, Barrhead) plus Belmont House entered a team for the S1 7-a-side football competition. 

 The matches were all played in great spirit and was a befitting tribute to Shirley whose family were present to spectate and present the medals and trophy at the end.  Also handing out medals were Scotland internationalist and Scotland’s Young Player of the Year Andrew Robertson and Rangers first team player Calum Gallagher. 

Shirley must have been looking down on us as St Ninian’s were crowned the first winners after a close final in which we narrowly edged Mearns Castle 1-0.  We thank all the schools for supporting this great event and look forward to holding this again next year.

 Shirley Roberts Memorial Touranement Photos

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