S3 Information Evening: Thursday 14 November

A reminder to parents that our Third Year Information Evening will take place on Thursday 14 November, commencing at 7 p.m.  The theme of the evening will be the introduction of the New National Qualifications and will focus on the strategies our young people require to develop in order to be successful in these qualifications.

The evening will begin with a brief presentation in the Forum, followed by the opportunity to visit individual departments where staff will provide detail of their new courses and offer guidance on how we can work together to support our students.

In addition there were be several displays in the Street area detailing development opportunities for our young people and which contribute to the Broad General Education offered in St. Ninian’s.

I look forward to seeing you and your son/daughter at the Information Evening.  In the meantime I would encourage you to browse the links below which provide information about the new qualifications

Neil Macdonald

Depute Head Teacher

Nationals in a Nutshell

SQA Information for Parents and Carers on the New Nationals

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