NET Ministries

Starting Monday 21 October 2013, a NET Ministry Team has been working in school. Net Ministries was founded in America in 1981 and is now working in many parts of the World including America, Canada, Australia, Ireland and Scotland. A NET Ministries Group led a series of Retreats in June for our S5 Pupils and this was a great success. The group working in school are based in St Joseph’s Parish Clarkston and will spend some time in school.

Through working with young people, NET Ministries proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through their own personal witness and inviting young people to live for Christ.

For the first couple of weeks, the group will be introduce themselves to staff and pupils by visiting RE Classes and being around the social areas. In November, the group will lead Services of Reconciliation and we hope that this will be followed up through offering pupils the opportunity of the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr Jim and local priests.

We are sure that the school will benefit from this work and pupils will respond in a very positive manner.  Details of the work of the group will be posted on School Website and School Twitter Accounts.

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