S6 Information

  • Rome Meeting 12.25 p.m. in Lecture Theatre on Monday 19 August
  • S1 – S2 Disco – Thursday 22 August – All pupils going to Rome must attend. 6.15 – 9.30 p.m.
  • Rome 2013 – any pupil who has lost/changed Passport over Summer must see Mr Bradshaw immediately
  • Caritas – pupils please contact Miss Jamieson as soon as possible
  • Eucharistic Ministers – Reference Forms from Priest – must be returned to Mr Bradshaw by Monday 19 August
  • Catholic Leadership Group – for Lasallian, Lourdes, Readers, Caritas, Eucharistic Ministers, Profile, etc.  Meeting at 3.30 p.m. on Tuesday 3 September in the Oratory
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