Supported Study Term 2

We are providing an extensive Supported Study programme this session in preparation for our prelim examinations. As you can see this is a very full programme affording our young people the opportunity to attend a wide range of subjects. This programme will run for a number of weeks through the prelims which take place in late January/early February for S4, and at the end of February/beginning of March for S5/6. In addition we will be offering a considerable Easter School programme prior to the main SQA exams which commence in May.

All pupils have been provided with details of the programmes relevant to them. Details are also available by clicking on the links below.  Individual departments have informed students of their supported study arrangements and are targeting those pupils who would benefit most from this support.  Certain departments, e.g. Mathematics, Music and Art have been offering this type of support since August. 

It is important to recognise that Supported Study is just one aspect which underpins pupil learning in St. Ninian’s. In addition departments have been allocated additional teaching staff which allows them to set-up additional sections and also provide group/individual to pupils.  We will also be running our Easter School Camp, the schedule for which will be issued at the start of March.

You would have received individual Progress Reports for your son/daughter in November and these reports will assist in identifying the areas where our young people require support. This message would have been further reinforced to S4 parents during the Parents’ Evening in early December. Supported study offers the perfect opportunity to receive that support and I would, firstly urge our pupils to attend, and secondly to target the subjects where this support is most needed.

If you require further information about the programme please contact me at the school.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Macdonald (Depute Head Teacher)

S4 Supported Study 2013

S5 and S6 Supported Study 2013

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