Tag Archives: Lockerbie

Lockerbie Trip -Reminders

P7 Lockerbie Trip

Monday 30th November-Friday 4th December

We hope all the P7 pupils, parent and carers are excited about our imminent trip to Lockerbie! The children will have a fantastic time meeting new friends, building relationships and learning lots of new skills.

Here are a few reminders, and answers to some questions raised over the course of this week:

  • Can we please ask parent/carers bring the children into school with their luggage on Monday at 9:10am. You should enter the building via the gym hall entrance.
  • Parents should bring along any medication their child will require during the trip. You will be asked to label and check you have filled out any medical permissions. If you believe your child may require Calpol or Paracetamol during the week,you must fill in a medical permission when you drop  off your child at 9:10am.
  • Pupils can bring a hairdryer with them. If they are sharing a room with a friend, maybe they could discuss and agree on sharing hairdryers one between two. Straighteners should not be brought to Lockerbie.
  • Children can bring their own snacks. No fizzy drinks though. A tuck shop will be available each evening and £10 will be issued by the school to buy items over the course of the week.
  • No mobile phones. You can still keep in touch with how your child is getting on via the school twitter. Photos will be posted daily.
  • Remember to bring a black bag for dirty clothing.
  • Miss Flaherty will be in daily contact with the school. If there are any issues Miss Flaherty or the school will call you.
  • Children can bring denims to wear at the disco but should not wear them during the day activities.
  • Children do not need a lunch box. We are not participating in any activities that require one.
  • Girls can bring make-up. This can be worn to the disco.
  • You can come and wave the children off on Monday at 1:00pm if you are free to do so.
  • Please help your child practice rolling up and putting their sleeping bag in its bag. This will save a lot of time during the trip.
  • Please take the time to remind your child of the standard we expect from them during the trip. They are representing St Mark’s and we expect great manners, excellent listening skills and kindness throughout the week.

Only three sleeps to go!