Tag Archives: Charity

Kind-hearted Pupils

A masssive well done to two very compassionate St Mark’s pupils, Josh and Noah of P6b. The boys raised £255.71  for  Chas Charity. The two thoughtful boys decided to sell their own old football cards for charity. They also held a raffle to win a signed Celtic strip, 4 St Mirren match day tickets and 2 footballs. The boys gave up their own time at break and lunchtimes over 5 weeks to the raise the funds.

Supporting Syria


Supporting Syria

Tomorrow is “Wear your Trainers” to school day. This is being held to raise awareness of the dreadful events happening in Syria. Any money raised is being sent off to the “Save the Children” charity. The Pastoral Council are keen to support their peers in identifying the rights and responsibilities of children and have recognised that in Syria children’s rights are not being received. They hope that the donation will help to deliver some of these rights to needy children.