All posts by Miss Cumming

School Improvement Questionnaire

In St Mark’s we are continually looking for ways to improve.  At this time of year we look back on this year’s progress and set targets for next session.  We would like to seek your views and ask you to spend 5 minutes discussing our targets with your child. Your views will be taken into consideration in writing our new plan for session 2018 – 19.    You can access this via:

School Website


Mobile devices – download free QR reader app on your phone and scan the code below:


Please contact the school if you have any difficulty accessing any of these links or need further advice.

Please complete by Thursday 24th May 2018.

Yours sincerely


Mrs Natalie Fitzsimmons
Head Teacher

Parent Council Summer Fayre – Saturday 2 June from 10am-12pm

Dear Sir / Madam,

St Mark’s Primary School, Barrhead – Parent Council Summer Fair.

I am writing on behalf of St Mark’s Primary School’s Parent Council & Parent Forum.

St Mark’s Parent Council represents all parents and carers of St Marks Primary School pupils, in the Barrhead Community.

We are organising a Summer Fair on Saturday the 2nd of June 2018 for the pupils of St Marks, their friends and families.

We are looking for our local businesses to donate prizes for the raffles we are organising.  All donations will be gratefully received and proceeds will go towards the school and the social and educational well being of all the children.

If you have any items you are willing to donate please get in touch and I can arrange uplift.  To arrange uplift, or if you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me at this telephone no: 07972667674.

Many thanks in anticipation of your consideration and generosity in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

 Ruth Lancaster, Parent Council Secretary,

For, and on behalf of,

St Mark’s Parent Council.

Whole School Listening and Talking Homework – Successes and Achievements

Next week’s whole school homework task focuses on talking and listening skills.  Please click on the links below for further information.

Your child will receive a copy of the activity on Monday.  Please return to school by Friday 4 May.

You can e-mail ( or Tweet (@StMarksPrimary1) photographs of achievements be shared on our  achievements display at reception or on Twitter.


Easter Parade Thursday 29 March at 1.30pm

Dear Parent / Carer

Easter Parade

On Thursday 29th March at 1.30pm, the children from Pr. 1-7 will be involved in our annual Easter Parade. Due to severe egg allergies that some of our pupils have and in the interest of health and safety all pupils will make an Easter Bonnet/Baseball hat. Pupils can decorate a hat at home for this competition.

One boy and girl from each class will receive a prize for the best entry!

All parents, carers and family members are welcome to this event.

Please note the school will close at 2.30pm on Thursday 29th March and re-open on Monday 16th April.

Yours sincerely

Christine Healey

Depute Head Teacher


Book Fair available during Parents Evening

The book fair will be available to families in the hall during parents evening on Thursday.

There are over 200 titles for you and your child to choose from, and with prices starting from £2.99 there’s sure to be a book for everyone.

For a sneak peak at the titles available, please click on the link below

Winter Weather Activities

There may be times that the school will have to close due to severe weather.  In such circumstances the following winter weather activities can be used at home to ensure the minimal amount of disruption to the education of St Mark’s Primary pupils.  Please follow the links below for further information and suggested activities.

Remember Glow is available on any device with an internet connection allowing learners to log on wherever they are. They can log on at home, whatever the weather!

Happy World Book Day

Join in World Book Day by completing some of the activities below.

Happy reading!

All stages

Primary 1-Primary 3 Bingo

Primary 4 – Primary 7 Reading Bingo

Primary 1& Primary 2
Pupils can respond to the video by creating their own comic strip in the same style as the illustrator in the video. They can use their pictures they have drawn during the video as a guide.

P3-7 – ‘Bumper Book Quiz’

P5-7 Book Bonanza Quiz

Primary 4 – Primary 7 First Ministers Reading Challenge
Remember to keep your passport up to date.

Primary 6& Primary 7– Listen to an interview from a famous author and create a poster or factfile about the author.

Michael Morpurgo
Jacqueline Wilson

For a full range of activities from the Official World Book Day website, please click on the link below.