Parent Council Summer Fayre – Saturday 2 June from 10am-12pm

Dear Sir / Madam,

St Mark’s Primary School, Barrhead – Parent Council Summer Fair.

I am writing on behalf of St Mark’s Primary School’s Parent Council & Parent Forum.

St Mark’s Parent Council represents all parents and carers of St Marks Primary School pupils, in the Barrhead Community.

We are organising a Summer Fair on Saturday the 2nd of June 2018 for the pupils of St Marks, their friends and families.

We are looking for our local businesses to donate prizes for the raffles we are organising.  All donations will be gratefully received and proceeds will go towards the school and the social and educational well being of all the children.

If you have any items you are willing to donate please get in touch and I can arrange uplift.  To arrange uplift, or if you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me at this telephone no: 07972667674.

Many thanks in anticipation of your consideration and generosity in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

 Ruth Lancaster, Parent Council Secretary,

For, and on behalf of,

St Mark’s Parent Council.