Primary 2a and 2b are exploring composition, pattern, line and juxtaposition.
Please find attached the minute of the Equalities Forum which took place on 16 January 2014 in Woodfarm High School.
Maureen Sneddon
Quality Improvement Officer
St Mark’s Art Show will take place on Thursday 27th March, 2-4pm.
More details will follow.
Primary 5a officially opened our new school library last week. They were very excited to be the first pupils in the school to explore the shelves and borrow a book. They loved the new books and scanning equipment-just like a real library! The library is bright and colourful and the children particularly liked the reading quotes which decorate the wall.
ER Active Schools/Sport Development are recruiting volunteers to help on their sport/physical activity programmes. This could be helping with after school clubs, community clubs, festivals, holiday programmes etc. How much time you volunteer is entirely up to the individual – it may be one hour per week, 4 hours per week, one event every few months, a holiday programme etc If you, or know anyone over 16 who would be keen to be involved please come along to Williamwood High School (conference room) on 16th Jan at 6pm to find out more.
Primary 6 are very excited to be a part of the Clyde in the Classroom initiative. Shortly we are to receive a visit to talk to us about exactly what will be involved in this project. We know that we will be responsible for looking after and nurturing around 250 trout eggs. These will arrive in a hatchery, and one of the responsibilities we will have is to ensure it is kept at the correct temperature – we need bottles of ice to keep it nice and cool. We have been collecting these and hope we have enough.
The project will run for around two months, and the final stage will be when we release our hatched brown trout into the burn. We will probably be quite sad to see them go!
Please check back regularly as we will be creating our own blog to keep you updated on the progress of our eggs. We plan to upload lots of pictures of the various stages of development.
Have a look at the amazing results when artist work together.
“Creativity is not an option, it’s an absolute necessity.” – Sir Ken Robinson
School will close on Friday 20th December at 2.30pm and re-open on
Monday 6th January 2014 at 8.45am – breakfast club as normal from 8am
St Mark’s has entered the Saatchi Gallery Competition. You can see our entries on the link above or view in our website Showcase page.
Class parties for Primary 1-5 will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 19th December – all Primary 1-5 pupils should wear their party clothes to school (no football strips or sports clothes –jogging outfits,etc)
Please note: Primary 6 -7 must wear their school uniforms.
Primary 6 & 7 Disco
On Thursday evening the Parent Council have organised a disco for the Pr.6&7 pupils. This will take place on Thursday 19th December 7-8.30pm.
You can now keep up to date with the local weather and any additional weather warnings by clicking on the link below that will take you to the East Renfrewshire Council Weather Update Service. We will as always keep you up to date with any weather issues that may affect the school.