Cluster Club

Dear Parent /Carer

St Mark’s, St Thomas’ and St John’s and are all part of the cluster and we are once again opening up the Cluster Club for parents to join/re-join.

It is £10 to join and for that £10 you will be allocated a number and entered into a monthly draw.  The draw runs for 10 months (September to June).  The winning number each month will receive 50% of the combined total raised (for example, if we raise a total of £800 then the monthly prize will be £40).

The funds raised will go towards the Lockerbie Residential Trip for the P7 classes within each cluster primary.  If you wish to join, please log in via ParentPay or contact the office for a Barcode letter to pay your £10 no later than 20th September.

Thank you

St Mark’s Parent Council