Walk to School Week, 18th-22nd May 2015


Every year Living Streets’ Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents. Each day of Walk to School Week will explore a different health benefit of walking to school.

    • Daily exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Walking is good for our hearts, lungs, muscles and bones.
    • Children that walk to school arrive more alert and ready to start the day. Walking can also have a positive effect on your mood.
    • Getting into the habit of an energetic walk at the start of the day can also encourage healthy eating habits such as having a nutritious breakfast every morning.
    • The whole family can get fit walking to school. It’s also a great time to spend quality time together and chat about your day.
    • Gas from cars pollutes the air. If more people walk, there will be fewer cars and less pollution. Cleaner air is better for us and our planet.