Advanced Higher Biology NAB
The Advanced Higher Biology NAB on Unit 1 is on Friday 2nd November. Students should be using their Revision booklet, Monograph and Scholar to prepare for this important assessment. Good luck!!
The Advanced Higher Biology NAB on Unit 1 is on Friday 2nd November. Students should be using their Revision booklet, Monograph and Scholar to prepare for this important assessment. Good luck!!
S1 pupils are making chains of paper bodies as part of their Body Systems Topic. The weblink below shows how they can do this. Enjoy!
Our Higher Human Biologists have their Unit 1 Nab coming up on the following dates. Column A will do their NAB on Monday 5th November. Column C will do the NAB on Thursday 8th November. Column E will do the NAB on Friday 9th November. The NAB is out of 40 marks and the pass mark is 26. It is imperative that pupils pass the NAB at the first attempt.
Welcome to our new Higher Human Biologists!! All pupils should have covered Topic 1 on Enzymes in June. A copy of the notes are available from your class teacher. Good luck.
The annual S2 Biology fieldtrip to the coastline at Culzean Castle and Country Park will take place during August. Pupils will have the opportunity to use a range of sampling techniques to investigate different ecosystems, helping them develop critical biological investigative techniques. The excursion will be a full day event, with pupils departing by coach from St Ninian’s High School at 9am sharp and returning just prior to the end
The first full draft of the Advanced Higher Investigation is due to be submitted by pupils on Thursday 8th March. All sections should be completed to the best of the individual’s ability. Guidance is included in the SQA Candidate Guidance. Teaching staff will review these first drafts with hopefully only minor changes needing to be made.
S4 pupils have their prelim either this Friday 3 February or on Monday 6 February. If pupils normally have Biology period 6 on a Wednesday then their prelim is this Friday 3 February during periods 2,3 & 4. If they normally have Biology period 7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays then their prelim is on Monday 6 February during periods 3, 4 & 5. Pupils will need a pen, pencil, ruler,
Pupils in S3 studying Intermediate 2 Biology have their Unit 1 NAB assessment on Friday 27 January. S5/6 pupils studying Higher Human Biology have their Unit 2 NAB assessment on Monday 30 January. Good luck to all pupils with your revision and if need help please ask your Teacher!
Happy Christmas to all pupils and their families from the Biology Department. Have a peaceful Christmas and best wishes for 2012! Even though pupils have a two week holiday, particular year groups should be working during this holiday period as follows: S4 pupils should be preparing for their prelim at the end of January. Pupils have been asked to purchase the latest past papers as well, as these will be
If the school is closed due to adverse weather, a list of resources for pupils to use can be found on the Severe Weather Contingency page.