
Eco-Club is back on and we are working towards retaining our Green Flag! Please see the posters below for more details:

Biology Week 2020!

The Royal Society of Biology has numerous activities going on through out the week click the link to find out more information:

Mental Health Awareness Week

Make sure you take some time out this week and every week to look after yourself. Visit the link below or the twitter (@HealthSnhs)  for some helpful tips to help you do this. The theme for this week is kindness

S5/6 Distance Learning

We have created separate Microsoft Teams for each of the three courses: Senior National 5, Higher Human Biology and Advanced Higher Biology. As a department we have been working to add each pupil in to their correct Team page, if you have not been added yet you can use the codes below to access the correct Team. Each level has a clear timeline of work for the upcoming weeks and

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S1 Home Study

If S1 pupils are unable to access their Microsoft Teams they can work through these tasks. Climate Crisis Home Project Welcome to 2060

Home Study

Each year group has their own Microsoft Teams page from which they should access work and continue their learning. Pupils should also refer to Home Study Resources links below:   N4 Biology Home Study Resources aN5 Biology Home Study Resources Higher Human Biology Home Study Resources Advanced Higher Biology Home Study Resources The codes to join each Microsoft Team, if pupils haven’t already done so, are shown below: