Absence Procedures

If the school is closed due to adverse weather or pupils are unable to attend school the following is a list of resources which should allow pupils to work at home.  Timelines for each course are available to view via courses dropdown menu. Each pupil should access work via their Class/Year Group Teams page and work in line with the timelines.

S6 Advanced Higher – Pupils should be revising using their notes and Scholar website. They should also be working on the write up of their practical investigation using the SQA Candidate Guidance for advice.

S5 Higher Human – Pupils should be going through their printed notes, textbook and Scholar website.

National 5 – Pupils should revise their topics covered so far using their textbook and booklets.
Revision websites: BBC national 5,  Oronsay.

National 4 – Pupils should revise their topics covered so far using their booklets.
Revision websites: BBC national 4.

S2 Biology – Pupils should revise their current material using their jotter.

S1 Science – Pupils should revise the topic that they are currently working on. They may use their printed notes and class jotters to do this.

This is a link to the school advice on Severe Weather Contingency plans.