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Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit

The Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit at the wonderful Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 2 December attracted 555 Delegates. 37 schools were represented from 9 local authorities, SCIS, the Edinburgh Chinese Community School, and 10 schools from Hong Kong. The venue was superb as was the hospitality. The varied programme was highly stimulating and managed to capture so much of what is happening across our growing number of schools and communities. Our Mandarin class pupils gave a fascinating and lively dance. Feedback from the pupils was very positive and this experience has undoubtedly whetted their appetites for continued learning on China related matters.

Martin Coyle (2A4): “On Friday I went to the Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit to perform the dance for the Chinese pop song ‘Small Apple’. It was very fun and I would love to do it again. It was very interesting learning about Chinese culture and watching the many different performances that were very good.”

Jagoda Halicka (4A7): “Last Friday, I was honoured to attend the Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit to give a speech in Mandarin as well as perform a dance to the Chinese song “Xiao Pingguo” (Small Apple). It was a very, very interesting experience which allowed me to learn more about Chinese culture as well as listen to other people’s opinion on the importance of language which really inspired me to continue studying Mandarin.  All in all, I’m really glad I had the opportunity to attend this event and I hope that I can attend a similar one in the future.”

Grace Holland (2a5): “last Friday I was able to attend the Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit to perform a dance called little apple. I really enjoyed the trip especially meeting two girls from Hong Kong. I learned so much about their lives in Hong Kong and how different their lives are compared to mine. I would love to go next year!”

Lewis McLachlan 5A3: On Friday I felt very privileged to be able to participate in the Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit. I was able to perform a dance called ‘Xiao Pingguo’ which translated to small apple. It was great fun and also interesting to learn how other people view the Chinese culture. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would like to go again next year for the Sixth China Youth Summit or any other conferences in the near future.

William Cheng (5a9): on Friday, I was given the privilege to attend the Fifth SCEN china youth summit. It was an interesting experience as I was allowed to communicate with foreigners from Hong Kong. I was able to learn more about my culture, and hear the opinions of others. I am glad I went this year, and would gladly go to another one next year.

Rhianna Isaac (3a6): Last Friday I got the opportunity to take part in the fifth SCEN china youth summit In Edinburgh. I found it very interesting and learned a lot about other people’s experiences with learning Chinese and it showed me that I can do many things if I can speak even a little bit of Chinese. I even got to participate at the conference by performing a dance called ‘xiao pingguor’ which was very fun. I met people from hong kong and they said that they love ‘xiao pingguor ‘and I found out a bit about their lives in hong kong. I thoroughly enjoyed the event and I would love the opportunity to go again.

Lucia Doyle (3a2): On Friday the 2nd of December I was given another opportunity to go to the Fifth SCEN China Youth Summit. We watched performances and even had the chance to hear about others’ experiences in learning Mandarin and what other amazing chances they had on going on trips. I also had the chance to talk to the secondary school pupils from Hong Kong. They were happy to listen to our experiences in Scottish schools and how different it was here than back in Hong Kong.  Back in 2014 I was able to participate in the 3rd SCEN conference in Gleneagles. This event was just as enjoyable as the last. I hope I will be invited back to future conferences one more time.

Callum Holland (5a1): I found the SCEN conference a greatly interesting and thought-provoking experience. Getting the opportunity to listen to some very great speakers regarding China was hugely enjoyable. I am very glad I went!

Gabriel Curran (4a10): On Friday 2nd December my classmates and I, along with the other pupils studying Mandarin, went to the fifth annual SCEN China Youth Summit in Edinburgh. The event was held in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, and there were presentations by many schools from across Scotland about their experiences of studying Mandarin or visiting China. There were also musical performances such as a scene from a famous Chinese Opera, and a well-known Scottish marching band. The pupils from St Ninian’s also gave a presentation and performed the dance “Small Apple” for the conference audience. We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were inspired by  the pupils from Hong Kong who gave a presentation in English about their experience of visiting Scotland and a Scottish school. It has encouraged us all to continue to study Mandarin into the future and has sparked a strong desire to learn about the culture and the language.


Preparing For The Synod With Bishop Keenan.



Recently, I had the wonderful experience of meeting Bishop John Keenan and discussing our involvement with the Synod of Paisley Diocese and sharing our views and opinions in how young people today can benefit the diocese and church life. First of all we celebrated Mass with Bishop John and then had breakfast in the Staffroom. After breakfast, we were separated into year groups and talked about what talents and skills we, and our generation on the whole, can bring to the church community. Examples included how we participated in the faith life of both in and out of school. For instances, we all regularly attended morning mass in the school, whether it was reading, playing hymns, or just showing our support to the school by going. Also, we could all say that we volunteer for activities and to attend extra curricular faith involved clubs, such as the life group or helping hands, or going to school events, like inaugural masses and prayer evenings.


During this process, Bishop John came round and talked to us about our discussion. It was great having him there as someone who you could turn to in need, or want someone for company and good conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with Bishop John, because I felt like I was giving to the diocese and the faith community by doing my best to give my talents. And most of all, the church helped my confidence in myself for what I love: exploring and sharing my faith with others.



In his homily in Mass for the Feast of St Francis Xavier, Bishop Keenan thank the school for the daily ‘Hail Mary’s’ for his intention which Monsignor Monaghan always tells him about our prayers for him. Bishop John appreciated and really felt the benefit of our prayers. Bishop Keenan asked us never to be discouraged but to know that Our Lady was looking after us and all would be well. With our hope and joy and goodness we should be a very good influence in Scotland and our World. We do this through doing what God wants us to do and we know what he wants us to do by following the Word of God. This is what today’s Saint did. St Francis Xavier followed the Word of God and courageously brought The Good News to the people of India, Japan and China.




After Mass the pupils joined Bishop Keenan for breakfast and enjoyed the music of Shannon and Clodagh O’Donnell before setting down to some work. No such thing as a free breakfast! The pupils then took part in a consultation which launched our whole school consultation in preparation for Paisley Diocese Synod which will take place Easter 2016. They discussed and responded very maturely to a number of questions. Their responses with the responses of the whole school will be submitted as part of the Diocesan Preparation for the Synod.   


The final task for pupil was based on Bishop Keenan saying to a recent meeting of Caritas Students that ‘they should shower the social media with Good News’ Each pupil had to prepare a Tweet about some Good News of which they were proud to do with themselves, their family, their school or their Church. These Tweets are posted on RE Twitter Account @StNiniansRE




After spending time with each group, Bishop Keenan said a few words on the Synod and evangelisation. Bishop Keenan reminded the pupils that it is important that the laity and in particular the young people of the Church become leaders and take responsibility. 



By Shona McGibbon,  Second Year. 3rd December 2015.











Mandarin Word Wizard Final 2015

Feedback from our winners of the Mandarin Word Wizard Final 2015 can be viewed below:

Erin Leahy (S2)

“I am so glad that I got the chance to represent the school in the Mandarin Word Wizard competition at the Scottish Parliament. It was a nervous wait, sitting through four other languages prior to the Mandarin Final, all of whom had set high standards. Then it came to my turn in the Mandarin Beginner Final. Thankfully my name was called first and I continued by setting the bar high with a target score that was not beaten. I really enjoyed the tour of the Parliament building as well as the whole experience”

Callum Holland (S3)

“It was a fantastic experience, and very nerve-wracking too! It expanded my knowledge of Mandarin and increased my confidence. I enjoyed it and I would definitely go back given the opportunity”

Hepsi Xavier (S3)

“The Word Wizard Final was a fantastic opportunity for me! I was so lucky to get through. I will always remember this day. I have to admit that I was nervous. Just a little bit! However, I am so glad that I got second place. Thank you so much for this great opportunity. This has really helped me to improve my Mandarin”