Preparing For The Synod With Bishop Keenan.



Recently, I had the wonderful experience of meeting Bishop John Keenan and discussing our involvement with the Synod of Paisley Diocese and sharing our views and opinions in how young people today can benefit the diocese and church life. First of all we celebrated Mass with Bishop John and then had breakfast in the Staffroom. After breakfast, we were separated into year groups and talked about what talents and skills we, and our generation on the whole, can bring to the church community. Examples included how we participated in the faith life of both in and out of school. For instances, we all regularly attended morning mass in the school, whether it was reading, playing hymns, or just showing our support to the school by going. Also, we could all say that we volunteer for activities and to attend extra curricular faith involved clubs, such as the life group or helping hands, or going to school events, like inaugural masses and prayer evenings.


During this process, Bishop John came round and talked to us about our discussion. It was great having him there as someone who you could turn to in need, or want someone for company and good conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with Bishop John, because I felt like I was giving to the diocese and the faith community by doing my best to give my talents. And most of all, the church helped my confidence in myself for what I love: exploring and sharing my faith with others.



In his homily in Mass for the Feast of St Francis Xavier, Bishop Keenan thank the school for the daily ‘Hail Mary’s’ for his intention which Monsignor Monaghan always tells him about our prayers for him. Bishop John appreciated and really felt the benefit of our prayers. Bishop Keenan asked us never to be discouraged but to know that Our Lady was looking after us and all would be well. With our hope and joy and goodness we should be a very good influence in Scotland and our World. We do this through doing what God wants us to do and we know what he wants us to do by following the Word of God. This is what today’s Saint did. St Francis Xavier followed the Word of God and courageously brought The Good News to the people of India, Japan and China.




After Mass the pupils joined Bishop Keenan for breakfast and enjoyed the music of Shannon and Clodagh O’Donnell before setting down to some work. No such thing as a free breakfast! The pupils then took part in a consultation which launched our whole school consultation in preparation for Paisley Diocese Synod which will take place Easter 2016. They discussed and responded very maturely to a number of questions. Their responses with the responses of the whole school will be submitted as part of the Diocesan Preparation for the Synod.   


The final task for pupil was based on Bishop Keenan saying to a recent meeting of Caritas Students that ‘they should shower the social media with Good News’ Each pupil had to prepare a Tweet about some Good News of which they were proud to do with themselves, their family, their school or their Church. These Tweets are posted on RE Twitter Account @StNiniansRE




After spending time with each group, Bishop Keenan said a few words on the Synod and evangelisation. Bishop Keenan reminded the pupils that it is important that the laity and in particular the young people of the Church become leaders and take responsibility. 



By Shona McGibbon,  Second Year. 3rd December 2015.