Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts include Art and Design, Dance, Drama and Music. Through the study of these subjects we aim to recognise and nurture creative talent and allow children to develop skills and techniques that are relevant to specific art forms. Experiences in the expressive arts involve creating and presenting and are mainly practical in nature. Children have many opportunities to take part in music and drama performances and activities throughout their seven years at our school.

From Primary 4 onwards children have the opportunity to receive instrumental tuition in music provided by the Local Authority Music Service both during the day and on Saturday mornings in Williamwood High School. In Primary 4 the violin/viola are available and in later stages children can be considered for guitar, cello, brass and woodwind instruments. These lessons are currently free of charge to parents. 

From Primary 5 onwards children have the opportunity to audition to be part of our very successful school choir. Our choir rehearses every Monday after school. They perform at a variety of school and community events. 

We also have various Music and Art specialists who visit our school to enhance the learning and teaching experiences across Expressive Arts.

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