In Our Lady of the Missions we have greatly enjoyed focusing on how we can celebrate culture and diversity as a school. Please follow the tabs to hear more about the initiatives and events which have taken place across the school this year. These include:
- We Are OLM
A whole school project and initiative led by our PSA to encourage our pupils in celebrating who they are as individuals and as part of our wider school community. Challenges as part of this include; The Time Capsule Project and the #OLM Selfie Photography Challenge.
- The Diversity & Equality Team
A team of Staff and Parents who meet regularly and are committed to sharing perspectives and bringing forward national, local and school initiatives. - OLM Celebrating Culture & Diversity (Feb 2021)
- Term 2 East Renfrewshire Equalities Newsletter
- Term 3 East Renfrewshire Equalities Newsletter
- OLM’s Language & Culture Celebration
An annual day of celebration across the school where we take time to celebrate the wide range of cultures and connections we have with countries out with Scotland and all across the world.