Primary 7 children and staff are preparing for our visit to Lockerbie Manor. We are all getting excited and looking forward to a fun filled outdoor activity week. In order to ensure that it all goes smoothly could you please take the time to read the information below.

Medication All Medication has to come into school on Monday morning clearly labelled and handed over to Mrs Wright in the Mensa.   An administration of medicines form must be completed.  This can be downloaded from the school website or completed in school on Monday but please leave enough time to do this.

Luggage Luggage should be taken to the Mensa before 9:00am. Each class will have a designated area to leave their luggage. It will be clearly signposted. The bus company is happy to accommodate children with luggage travelling to school on Monday.  Remember to pack a couple of plastic bin bags for dirty clothes!  All clothes, sleeping bags, water bottles, cameras etc must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

There are two water activities so please pack an old pair of trainers that can get wet! In addition, indoor and outdoor footwear is essential. 

Packed Lunch & Pocket Money Please provide a packed lunch in a disposable bag – no plastic containers/lunch boxes for the journey to Lockerbie Manor. Please bring a water bottle (labelled). Children should not bring sweets. NO money should be brought on the trip.

Electronic Equipment No electronic equipment (including mobile phones or games) is permitted; however children are welcome to bring a pack of cards, a book and of course a teddy bear!

Social Media As this is a very exciting time for children and parents you can follow our adventures on Twitter.  The school twitter account is: OLM_Primary

Departure/Arrival We will be leaving the school at approximately 9.30am and parents are welcome to wave farewell to their intrepid travellers. We will return to school on Friday 27th November at approximately 2.45pm. We will use Twitter to keep you constantly updated on a more accurate time of arrival.

Emergency Contact Numbers Our Lady of the Missions staff at Lockerbie Manor are in close contact with the school. If you wish any information regarding the visit, your first point of contact should be the school office – 0141 570 7280. In case of emergency, you can contact Lockerbie Manor on 01584 861333 (normal office hours) and Mrs Devlin can be contacted on the school mobile 07531 621 345.

Mrs Devlin will contact any parent directly should this be necessary during the course of the children’s stay.

Hopefully this should be a most memorable experience for your child and they return from their visit full of stories of their achievements and new friendships.