Newsletter 16th December 2014

Dear Parent/Carer

May I once again thank you for your tremendous support throughout the year but particularly over recent weeks. The school has been extremely busy with Christmas concerts, Nativity Plays and parties. The season of Advent has been truly meaningful as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Christmas.

The Parent Staff Association held their annual Christmas Fayre on Saturday 6th December. Many thanks to everyone who supported the event which was a tremendous success. The school was very busy and everyone was certainly in the festive mood.  Sincere thanks to the PSA Committee and helpers who set up and looked after the stalls, including a wonderful Santa’s Grotto. We raised in excess of £3000. Well done!

Free Meals and New Menus
As of Monday 5th January 2015 all Primary 1 to 3 pupils will be provided with a healthy lunch that meets the requirements of the Health Promotion and Nutrition (Scotland) Act 2007 and I would ask you to encourage your child to take up their entitlement and try the various food available.

Facilities Management catering staff have been working with Head Teachers and school staff to ensure that all children have a positive and enjoyable experience at lunch time. We have developed a menu to allow the pupils to try new and varied foods and we intend to consult with parents towards the Spring break to seek views on the menu.


East Renfrewshire Council Road Safety Calendar Competition:

Highly Commended                   Sarah Stewart 3a

Karate Champion                 

Erin De Sykes 6d                      3rd place  Kumite                                    9-10 years

                                                Overall Scottish Kata Champion             9-10 years


Primary 7 Disco – Tuesday 16th December here in the School Hall 7pm – 9 pm.

Thanks to the PSA for funding this event for our Primary 7 pupils and providing juice and chocolate.

Christmas Parties

P4 – P6: Tuesday 16th December (wear party clothes to school)

P1 – P3:  Wednesday 17th December Christmas Parties (wear party clothes, there will be a special visitor for Primary 1 in the afternoon)

Thanks once again to the PSA for sponsoring these events and providing juice, chocolate bars and ice cream.

Thursday 18th December – Reminder: Non-uniform Day for Charity & P7 Enterprise

The whole school will enjoy Christmas Assemblies on Friday 19th December.

Peter PanM & M Theatre Productions will perform Peter Pan here in the school on Monday 12th January 2015 for all pupils.
Cost per child £2.00.     Please send monies in when we return in January.


If your child is aged five between 1st March 2015 and 28th February 2016

you and your child should register at your local school between Monday 12th January until Friday 16th January from 1.30pm – 3.30pm.

Please bring the following documents:

  1. Child’s Birth Certificate


b.  Child Benefit Statement

If no Child Benefit is applicable, a Driving Licence, Utility Bill or Bank Statement is acceptable

  1. Current Council Tax Notice


d.  Mortgage Statement or Rental Agreement showing same name & address as on the child benefit letter
  1. Baptismal certificate if appropriate



As parking is difficult, attending between 1.30pm – 2.45pm would be appreciated.


School will close on Friday 19th December at 2.30pm and re-open on

Monday 5th January 2015 at 9.00am.

May I take this opportunity on behalf of the staff to thank you all for your tremendous support and cooperation and to wish you and your families a very happy, holy and peaceful Christmas.

 Yours sincerely

Charles Jamieson

Head Teacher