To celebrate the 2014 Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow, East Renfrewshire Council’s Active Schools and Sports Development teams will visit our school on Monday 12th May (P4 – P7) and Tuesday 13th May (P1 – P3). Continue reading Commonwealth Roadshow – Monday 12th (P4 – P7) and Tuesday 13th (P1 – P3)
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Primary 7 Diary for May and June
Our Primary 7 pupils have a very busy term ahead. Below is a list of planned activities. Please complete the attached sheet and return to school.
Wednesday 30th April Giffnock Library
All Primary 7 classes will visit the library to get a better insight into the library system and all that this service has to offer.
Friday 2nd May Day at the Movies
A day at the movies has been organised as a celebration for their final year at primary school. The children will come to school dressed as a character from a film or just be an extra (‘own clothes’). There will be a charge of £3 to include lunch, popcorn and drinks.
Tuesday 6th May Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral
10.30am Celebration Mass with Archbishop Tartaglia and other schools in the Glasgow South Deanery in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Clyde St., Glasgow.
Wednesday 7th May St. Ninian’s Library
All Primary 7 classes will visit St. Ninian’s library to gain first hand knowledge of what is available in the library and how it is used to enhance their learning.
Friday 9th May Scottish Parliament
Visit to Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, which will include a tour of the Debating Chamber and a visit to the National Museum of Scotland for a self guided tour.
We will leave school at 9am and return at 4.45pm, therefore children will have to be collected from school. Full school uniform please, shirt and tie. Packed lunch required. The cost for this visit is £5 for transport. There is a shop and if you wish your child to buy a souvenir,we would recommend a maximum of £2.
Wednesday May 21st (TBC) St. Ninian’s High School All Day Visit
All Primary 7 classes will spend the whole day in St. Ninian’s. Classes will leave school at 9am and return at 3pm.
Tuesday 17th June Leavers’ Mass St. Joseph’s Church 7pm
This is our Primary 7 ‘Graduation’ celebration. It is always a very moving occasion, especially for those families for whom this will be their last contact with Our Lady of the Missions. We would ask that children wear full school uniform, shirt and tie. I look forward to welcoming family and friends. Children will be presented with a bible, funded by our P.S.A. All family and friends are welcome to join us. Please indicate number on return slip.
Monday 23rd June Leavers’s Ceilidh 6.45pm – 9.00pm School Hall
The final celebration for our leavers is a ceilidh to be held in the school hall. The children will be piped into the hall and we ask all parents to come into the Mensa to form a Guard of Honour to welcome the children. At the end of the ceilidh, parents are invited to come into the hall where the children will sing their farewell songs!