**Click here for the new Parent Council & PTA Page**
- Parent Council
Chairperson: Mrs Natalie McMillan
Email: npsparentcouncil1@gmail.com
Minutes of previous Parent Council meetings:
NPS Parent Council Minutes November 2022
NPS parent council minutes 04022020
NPS parent council minutes 07112019
(further minutes will appear here)
Minutes from previous PTA meetings:
- Fundraising Committee
Chairperson: Mrs Gardner
Email: nlcpta@outlook.com
Website: https://www.pta-events.co.uk/neilstonpta
Minutes of previous Fundraising Committee meetings:
(further minutes will appear here)
SCOTTISH SCHOOLS (Parental Involvement) Act 2006
Parent Councils were established in August 2007. The Parental Involvement Act makes provision for all parents to be members of the Parent Forum at a school, and to have their views represented to the school, education authority and others, through a representative Parent Council for the school.
The legislation supports parental involvement in a much wider sense than before. It aims to help all parents to be:
- Involved with their child’s education and learning
- Welcomed as active participants in the life of the school
- Encouraged to express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with the school
At Neilston Primary we encourage parents/carers to become involved in the education of their children. There are many ways of fostering such participation and we are always ready to listen to new suggestions. At present parental involvement included the following:
- Regular newsletters and school website
- Parental Helpful Hints leaflets
- Curriculum news
- Parent Council Constitution
- Pupil reports
- Primary 1 induction days for new pupils and parents
- Workshops to inform parents of curricular developments
- Information meetings regarding school trips and excursions
- Parent Council which supports school developments and initiatives as well as organising social and fundraising events. This is done through their sub-group; Support Our School (SOS)
- Correspondence regarding current issues including questionnaires
- Meetings between parents and school staff and/or external agencies as necessary
- Twice yearly parents’ meetings