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STEM @ Mearns

At Mearns Primary, we are extremely proud of the work we have undertaken in relation to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The work has been delivered in line with the goals set out by the Scottish Government as they look to develop skills that will prepare our young people for the world of work when they are older.

The work of the STEM team in the school has been recognised by Education Scotland, who have shortlisted Mearns Primary for the STEM Award 2018.

To showcase the work in the school, the STEM team created a presentation that can by viewed here.

Below you will find a range of documents created by the school that we hope will give you more of an insight into the learning and teaching at Mearns. You can access the document by clicking on the links.

Mearns Science Principles

Our Science Principles shape the way we teach science in the school. The principles came from the views of pupils and staff in the school and highlight the excellent practice in science teaching at Mearns Primary.

Curriculum Overview

The science curriculum is split into Early, First and Second level and within that we have organised the learning outcomes into a progressive programme where each stage builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of the previous stages. As pupils move through the school they experience all the outcomes and are introduced to all the big concepts of science.



At Mearns Primary we believe that partnerships are essential to give all of our pupils the excellent education they deserve. Through our STEM, Developing the Young Workforce and Mearns Masters programmes we have linked with a wide variety of organisations, companies and individuals who have all enhanced the experience of our pupils. We are very grateful to all our partners and the time and expertise they share with us.


Scottish National Standardised Assessments

As part of the Scottish Government’s National Improvement Framework, all children in P1, P4 and P7 will complete a new set of national standardised assessments (SNSAs). Currently, these assessments are in addition to East Renfrewshire’s standardised assessments at P1, P3, P5, and P7.

Pupils at these stages will undertake the assessments across May.

More information can be found by looking at this Sway.


Important Change of Date P1 – P3 School Show

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the date of the P1 – P3 School Show is having to be changed.  We appreciate that this date has been in the parental calendar since the beginning of the session.  We have tried to work round the difficulties presented to us that week but this has not been possible and we did not want to delay advising parents.  The school show will now take place on Thursday, 14 June 2018.  There will be two performances, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.  The afternoon performance will start at 1.45pm and the evening performance at 7pm. Pupils should be back at school for 6.30pm on the evening.  Information regarding tickets will be issued via ParentPay. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

STEM Talking Homework

As part of STEM fortnight, the whole school are involved in a weekly Talk Topic. We would appreciate if you would take time to discuss the talk topic and help your child to gather a variety of views from parents, grandparents and friends. On Thursday or Friday of each week, pupils will share their ideas and views during a class circle time.

Week 1 Talk Topic: Life Below Water

Look at the pictures above and read the fact …
‘It’s thought there will be more plastic than fish (by weight) in the sea by 2050.’

How does this make you feel? Is it hard to avoid single use plastic in our everyday lives?What simple change could you make to help Planet Earth?
Would you and your family consider supporting the Earth Hour Event on Saturday, 24 March?

Follow the link below to see what other people have promised:
World Wildlife Fund – A Pledge for our Planet

STEM Fortnight Launch

This afternoon our Lab Technicians and Eco Reps launched STEM Fortnight at a whole school  assembly.

The pupils were excited to hear all about the activities planned for them over the next two weeks.

We were also delighted to welcome Heather Reid OBE to the school. Heather spoke to the pupils about how she got into her STEM career as a meteorologist.

Pupils were also given the opportunity to ask Heather questions about her career to date.

We are all enthused to celebrate Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in the weeks ahead.