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Spy Quest at Summer Fayre

David Goutcher, Managing Director of Polybius Games has kindly offered to come to the school on Saturday to run a Spy Quest Game. 

In preparation parents can download the free Spy Quest app on iTunes. Otherwise, they can access the game through any web browser. 

The game requires Internet access and is just the same as accessing a web page. 

The game is hosted at

The Spy Quest app allows everyone to access the game’s augmented reality features through the Spy Cam button. David will explain how this works on the in-game leaflets and posters on Saturday.  

Please check out the game on this link

100% proceeds are being donated to the school.

Hope to see you all there on Saturday


Mearns Primary PTA


PTA Summer Fayre – Help Required

We are very short of helpers for the Summer Fayre on Saturday 21st May 12-3pm

We currently don’t have enough volunteers to run the craft room, sell raffle tickets, Tombola, Hook a Duck, Nails & Tattoos.  We also need another adult volunteer to help with the sports. 

We are also short of helpers to set up on Friday any time between 3.30pm – 8pm

 If you can help please contact Janet Olverman 07852202416 or

 Please help to make our Summer Fayre a wonderful success.

 Raffle & Tombola Donations

If you wish to make a donation for the Raffle or Tombola, please hand them into the office by Friday 20th May.

 Raffle Tickets

If you wish to purchase a raffle ticket prior to the fayre please make sure you hand your ticket stubs and money into the school office by Friday.

 Think Science Tickets

If you wish to secure a place at one of the very popular Think Science shows on Saturday please send your ticket requests in by Friday. 

Tickets will be available for purchase on the day if places are still available.  Please note these shows are open to all children attending the fayre not just Mearns Primary.

 PLEASE NOTE: We are not planning to sell Nearly New Toys or Home Baking at the Summer Fayre

 Many thanks in advance for your support



Easter Activities

This week we are learning about the Christian festival of Easter.  We start today with the P6/P7 Easter egg hunt and parade.  Check our schedule of events below.  Parents are welcome to join us at the Church services.

Monday 21st March
P6/ P7 Easter egg hunt and Parade
Tuesday 22nd March
P3-P5 Easter Service – Newton Mearns Baptist Church at 10am
(Tea & Coffee available in the Café for parents after the service)
P6-P7 Easter Service – Mearns Kirk Parish Church at 10am
P3 & P4 Easter egg hunt and parade
Wednesday 23rd March
P1 & P2 Easter egg hunt and parade
Thursday 24th March
P1&P2 Easter Service at Newton Mearns Parish Church at 10am
P5 Easter Egg hunt and parade