Monthly Archives: February 2021

Anti-distraction techniques


Do you settle down to study and find that as soon as you open your book or laptop a wee voice in your head starts to whisper “But what about all those alerts you are missing?” “I wonder what everyone else is doing?” “Should I make myself a cup of tea now or in five minutes?”

Why not try this technique to help you focus and not get too stressed out with FOMO.

Train that brain

It’s very simple to do.

Let me know if it works for you and how you get on,

Take care,

Mrs Baird


It’s OK to take some time out to take care of yourself. All work and no play is not healthy.

Grab a cuppa and a biccy and see if any of these books might just be the kind of thing you need right now.


Let me know if there are any other titles you would like to see on the powerpoint or if you would like me to keep any titles aside for when we get back.

Take care, Mrs Baird

Nat 5 History

Reading around a topic can be a really useful aid to remembering key events – personalising what you have been studying.

If you are studing History at National 5 level or just like some of the subjects covered – this powerpoint might be of use to you.

nat 5 hist

Please note that some of the titles include mature content reflecting the subject matter and time periods studied.

Let me know how you get on and if there are any other books you think should be added.

Take care,

Mrs Baird