Senior String Orchestra

Please follow East Renfrewshire’s Music Service on twitter  @ERMusictalk for up dates and latest information

Please click on the link below for details of the forthcoming Symphony Orchestra Residential Course – Gartmore House.

Gartmore Joining Details Letter 2020

East Renfrewshire Schools’ Christmas Concert – Carlibar Primary School

 Your son/daughter will be performing with the Senior String Orchestra in the above concert, which will take place on Wednesday 11th December 2019 at 7.00pm.

Below are details you will require to know for the evening of the concert: –

Time               All members of the orchestra should be at the school for 6.00pm. The concert will begin at 7.00pm and end at approximately 8.15pm.

Performers    The Senior String Orchestra and Senior Concert Band will be performing in this concert.

Dress              Performers should wear smart black top and trousers/skirt and black shoes.

Entry Fee       Adult: £6.00 and Concession: £4.00, will be payable at the door on the evening.

East Renfrewshire Schools’
Senior String Orchestra 2019-20
First Rehearsal:
Wednesday 28 August 2019
4.30pm – 6.00pm     Williamwood HS

East Renfrewshire Schools’ Senior String Orchestra – 2019/20 AUDITIONS!

Please find below a copy of the audition application form.


Remember to get in touch with Mrs Fenn ASAP to book your audition time.

Please click on link below for details of our Glasgow Music Festival Performance on Sunday 10 March 2019

GMF 2019 -Senior Strings

East Renfrewshire Schools’ Christmas Concert – Carlibar Primary School

 The Senior String Orchestra will be performing in the above concert, which will take place on Wednesday 12th December 2018 at 7.00pm.

Below are details you will require to know for the evening of the concert: –

Time               All members of the orchestra should be at the school for 6.00pm. The concert will begin at 7.00pm and end at approximately 8.15pm.

Performers    The Senior String Orchestra and Senior Concert Band will be performing in this concert.

Dress              Performers should wear smart black top and trousers/skirt and black shoes.

Tickets            £6.00 and £4.00 on sale from Monday 12th November 2018 and can be purchased online at   by calling the box office on 0141 577 4956, or in person at Eastwood Park Theatre.
N.B. The theatre also offer a print at home ticket option for web sales.

Any enquiries please contact Linda Fenn, 0141 577 2568.

East Renfrewshire Senior String/Symphony      Orchestra 2018-19

First Rehearsal:
Wednesday 22 August 2018   4.30pm – 6.00pm     Williamwood HS

Holocaust Memorial Event 2018


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