All posts by Miss Graham

21st November

Miss Atkin

During language this week we have been focusing on our punctuation ensuring we have capital letters at the start of our sentence and for all proper nouns and a form of punctuation (full stop, question mark or exclamation mark) at the end of each sentence. We know that we use a full stop for the end of a statement and an exclamation mark when we are shouting, surprised or excited. We have also identified words which tell us we are reading or asking a question these are: who, what, where, why, when and how.

The cuboids have been practising their addition and subtraction skills both mentally and through written and practical work. We have also been revising our knowledge on fractions, looking at halves and quarters. We know that a fraction is an equal part of a number or shape and when we are looking at halves we have two sections and quarters have four sections.

The cylinders have been using tens and units to carry out a variety of calculations. We have been practising partitioning numbers into tens and units. For example, 4 tens and 5 units would equal 45. We have also looked at adding and subtracting in tens. We have realised that when we do this the units column stays the same and it is only the tens column which changes.

This week in R.E. we have started a new topic, learning about the life and teachings of the Buddha. We found out he had everything he wanted but sadly his mum died when he was 7 days old so wise men named him. He was always a happy man and cared for all animals and people. We look forward to learning more about him over the coming weeks.

During P.E. we have been focusing on our throwing skills with Mrs McGregor. We have been trying to throw balls into different sized hoops. We have also played ‘secret tig’ for the first time and have really enjoyed it. However, we have found the game to be difficult as we do not know who, or how many people, are ‘it’ at one time. We are going to continue practising this game.

Sadly, we are coming to the end of our minibeast topic. We have really enjoyed learning about minibeasts and the different ways we can classify them. This week we have looked at lifecycles and completed a quiz using all our knowledge of the topic so far. We have also used our understanding of the different features of minibeasts to create our own Super Minibeast!