Class Blog Friday 28th October 2016

We have a new helping hands display in class where pupils have different responsibilities in the school.

In maths the Pink group have been learning about rounding and estimating and have even been using decimals.

The white maths group have been learning about weight. We have been estimating how much an object weighs and using scales and weights to measure the weight of the object.

We started a new topic all about animals, plants and species.

The yellow maths group have been learning about symmetry and have been creating our own symmetrical designs.

Our Titanic models and design briefs were assessed and judged by P6.

The orange maths group have been learning about area and perimeter. We have been creating shapes and measuring their areas.

We have been designing Christmas cards.

We created some spooky pictures and wrote some spooky poems.

In P.E we were practising our gymnastic skills using the apparatus.