Friday 23rd February P6B Class Blog

We have been learning about Substance Misuse in Health and Wellbeing. We have been taking notes about alcohol, smoking and drugs and the effects that these substances have on the human body.

In maths, the yellow group have been calculating the area of right angles triangles using a formula. The orange group have been doing place value and working out the value of digits.  The white group have been learning about circles.  They have been using compasses to measure and draw circles of certain sizes.

In P.E we were developing badminton skills. We worked on playing backhand and forehand shots.  We practised our control skills and then had a competition.

With Mrs. McGreggor we went to Eastwood High School where we were split into groups and practised basketball skills. At the end we ran around the track twice.

In Social Studies we are learning about the Scottish Parliament and have been creating our own political parties. We had to create our own manifestos, party name, slogan and symbol.  We have been learning about how parliament is run, the history of the parliament and how laws are made.  We are going to the Parliament on Monday.

In science we have been learning about the nose. We had different stations where we had to smell different smells and learnt fun facts about the nose.