Well done to the Primary Four Tennis Team. They came first in the Cluster Tennis Tournament last week. Next up is the East Renfrewshire Final on the 20th May. Good luck!
Tag Archives: active schools
Cluster Badminton
Well done to the badminton team. They came 2nd at last night’s cluster tournament.
Learn to Swim
Click here to see the latest information on swimming classes in East Renfrewshire.
Kimberley Renicks Visit
Kimberley Renicks, Judo gold medalist at the Commonwealth Games, came to visit the school today. She told us all about winning the medal and about the importance of respecting your opponents. She started Judo when she was four years old. As well as answering questions, she also demonstrated some throws and holds with her assistant, Neil. What an inspiration!
Your Summer Adventure Starts Here (Holiday Activities Brochure)
The brochure for the East Renfrewshire summer activity programme, ‘Your Summer Adventure Starts Here’ can be found by clicking on the following link: www.bit.ly/SummerHolidayActs2014
Bookings are being taken from Wednesday 28th May.
Fantastic Footballers!

Women’s Scottish Hockey Players Visit Busby
National senior players Ali Howie and Maisie Morris visited the School this morning to chat to the children about everything hockey in the lead up to Glasgow 2014. As it was National Commonwealth Day, the children were supporting Sport Your Trainer’s Day scheme and have been doing lots of activities ahead of Glasgow 2014.
Click here for more information about the visit and Scottish Hockey
Their visit features in the Extra this week (17.3.14). Click here to see the report.
ERC Sports April – June 2014
Please click here to access the ERC sports programme for April to June.
Cross Country Winners
Well done to the cross country team who were extremely successful at the ERC Cross County Event at Rouken Glen Park on Monday. Apart from getting very muddy, two of the children finished in the top ten. Well done to everyone who took part and a big thank you to the parents who took the children and give up their time to lead the Running Club.
ERC Spring Holiday Activities
Please click here to view the activities available during the Spirng Break.
Clyde Visits Busby
Clyde the Commonwealth Mascot visited Bubsy on the 31st of January. He presented us with the Commonwealth Legacy Game On Scotland Plaque. We our very proud to say that we are the first school in East Renfrewshire to be awarded this. We have achieved this due to all the fantastic work going on inspired by the Commonwealth Games.
See if you can find us on the Commonwealth map:
Scottish Disability Sport Talent ID Day: Saturday 15th February
Volunteers Needed
ER Active Schools/Sport Development are recruiting volunteers to help on their sport/physical activity programmes. This could be helping with after school clubs, community clubs, festivals, holiday programmes etc. How much time you volunteer is entirely up to the individual – it may be one hour per week, 4 hours per week, one event every few months, a holiday programme etc If you, or know anyone over 16 who would be keen to be involved please come along to Williamwood High School (conference room) on 16th Jan at 6pm to find out more.
P1 Parents – Bookbug Evaluation
Let us know what you think.
We’re delighted your child received their Bookbug Primary 1 Family Pack this year!
We would like to hear what you think about the Bookbug Primary 1 Family Pack, so if your child has recently received one, please can you take the time to fill out our on-line Survey? It will take no longer than 5 minutes. Thank you very much in advance. The feedback you give us will go a long way in helping us to develop future packs.
Click here to complete our short survey now www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=138538664630%20