Burns Poetry, Art and Song Competition

This year we will be celebrating Scottish poetry and songs to celebrate the life and work of Robert Burns.  Each class will select poems to learn and recite.  The top three recitals will perform at special assemblies on the 25th January.  Child in P5 – 7 also have the opportunity, if they wish, of learning a Scottish song to perform. Pupils in P6 and 7 may also wish to enter the Art competition to illustrate a verse from a Scottish poem. 

Please supoprt your child by helping them to learn and recite their chosen poem.  We look forward to hearing them.

Registration for Primary 1

If your child is aged 5 between 1st March 2012 and 28th February 2013, you should come to register your child at the school between Monday 16th – Friday 20th January 2012.  Registration will take place between 1.30pm and 3.15pm on each of these days.  Please note that parking is difficult around 3.00pm as this is when school finishes for the pupils.

The following documents are required to register your child:

  • your child’s birth certificate
  • a child benefit letter
  • council tax notice 2011/12
  • mortgage statement or rental agreement showing the same address as on the child benefit letter

Families living outside the catchment area should register with their local school and  complete a placing request form. The forms need to be  returned to Ann Nairn at East Renfrewshire Council Offices by the 31st of January.

The School Show Auditions

Auditions for the principal parts of the school show, “The Wizard of Clarkston” will take place next Thursday and Friday.  Children need to sign up on the notice board for the parts that they wish to audition for.  All classes from P2 to P7 will be involved in the production.  We are all very excited about the production which will be in May at the Eastwood Theatre.  More news will follow.

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