Read all about the very exciting ‘Clyde in the Classroom’ project that the Primary 5s have taken part in. You can find it in the ‘Life at Busby’ section on the website, or by clicking the link below:
Sport your Trainers Day
On Monday 12th March, Commonwealth Day, we will be taking part in ‘Sport your Trainers’ day. Sport Your Trainers is a national campaign to encourage everyone across the country to wear their trainers on Commonwealth Day and aimed at raising the profile of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, here in Glasgow. Pupils are asked to make a £1.00 donation.
Parent Questionnaire Results and Analysis
Here are the results and further analysis of the returned parental questionnaires on assessment, reporting and commmunication. This can also be accessed from the school documentation section below.
Busby Primary Questionnaire Detail
Thank-you to all those who returned the questionnaires. By working in partnership with you, we will strive to continue to improve the service we provide.
P2 Assembly
The P2s will be holding their assembly on Wednesday 29th February at 9.15am. Parents are invited to come along and see the children sharing some of their learning and work from the inter-disciplinary learning around the theme of ‘Weather’.
Euroquiz Competition
Well done to the Euroquiz team: Catriona, Reuel, Tain, Eilidh and Liam. After 3 rounds they were tied for 1st place with St Joseph’s with 51 points. Unfortunately, in the head-to-head tie question, they lost!
Why not try some of the Euroquiz questions – open the document below and post your answers on-line by replying to this post.
School Handbook
Long Weekend
School closes at 3.00pm on Thursday 9th February and will re-open again on Wednesday 15th February 9.00am. We wish everyone an enjoyable long weekend.
February Newsletter
A copy of our February Newsletter is available in the Parents section of the website. If you would like your copy of the newsletter e-mailed to you, please let the school office have your e-mail address. As an ECO school we would appreciate your support in helping us to cut down the paper and copying we use in school.
Scottish Poetry Competition
We were very proud of the confidence and talent displayed by our pupils in the Scottish Assemblies. The standard of the entries was very high. A list of the winners in the different sections can be found under the achievement section of the website.
Busby’s Got Brains!
Our next House Trauchle is “Busby’s Got Brains”. This will take place next Thursday 9th February. The House and Vice Captains are busy developing questions for the event. We’re sure the children will enjoy this challenge.
Parent Council Race Night 3rd Feb. 7.30pm Masonic Hall, Busby
Come along to the Parent Council Race night this Friday. Tickets are still available £5.00 from Ishay or Valerie. Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start.
If anyone is able to volunteer to help set up or clear away at the end, your support would be greatly appreciated.
Sneak Peak of the Cast List for “The Wizard of Clarkston”
Congratulations and well done to all the pupils who auditioned for the school show. The standard was very high. Click below to see the cast list:
Parent Council Meeting
There is a Busby Parent Council Meeting tonight at Williamwood High School at 7.30pm. All parents are welcome to attend. The meeting is scheduled to finish at 8.30pm
P7 Transition
Mr Fitzpatrick and Ms Raeburn will be visiting P7 on Thursday as part of the transition between Busby and Williamwood. Pupils in P7 will have the opportunity of find out more about the High School.