Free Office Suite Download

Microsoft Office Pro Plus (Free Office Suite Download for Staff and Pupils)

This allows all staff and pupils free access to the Office Suite: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, OneNote etc.  Remember with the holiday period approaching and new devices being bought, as part of the Education Department’s annual Microsoft agreement, all staff and pupils can download and install 10 instances of Microsoft Office Pro Plus on personally owned devices.  Please note that this includes 5 installs for desktop, laptop and netbook and 5 mobile installs for phones and tablets for each staff member and every pupil.  It might be worth adding this information and the instructions below to your final newsletter of 2015 and indeed to your website.

Disclaimer In order to qualify for this benefit, you must be an East Renfrewshire employee with a Glow account or a pupil attending an East Renfrewshire school. You must understand that you are entering into an agreement with Microsoft and not East Renfrewshire Council.

 To access the Office Pro Plus installation file please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Glow.
  2. Click the Office Pro Plus tile located on the Shared Launch Pad.
  3. The next window will display the Install button.

House Trauchle Results

Well done to Paddock for winning our latest trauchle –  ‘Rights Respecting School Creativity Challenge’.  Each pupil had a RRS balloon to create around a RRS article.  Each house had to then display all of their balloons in a creative way… don’t they look fabulous!

house trauchle 4 house trauchle 3 house trauchle 1 house trauchle 2

11th Dec 2015 RRS Balloons

Mill – 45 points                  4th

Cart – 49 points                 3rd

Viaduct – 56 points          2nd

Paddock – 59 points         1st

Primary 1 Enrolment for August 2016

If your child will be aged 5 between 1st March 2016 and end of February 2017 you should register your child at your catchment school during the week of – Monday 11th – Friday 15th January 2016 between 1.45pm – 3.30pm

Please click here to confirm the documentation you must provide to complete enrolment.

If you have any questions please do not hesistate to contact the school office.

Many thanks.

GIRFEC Forum – Netherlee Primary School

A forum has been arranged for Thursday 10th December from 1:45pm until 2:45pm in Netherlee Primary.  The focus of the Forum is Resilience and Positive Psychology, including Mindfulness and sharing supportive strategies to develop the resilience of our pupils.  Parents from Busby Carolside, Netherlee Primaries and Williamwood High School are all invited to attend. 

More information available here.  


Sportscotland School Sport Award


 Sports Award

We are delighted to inform you that Busby Primary School has been awarded a sportscotland Gold School Sport Award for 2015-2017.

The Gold School Sport Award is recognition of our school’s achievements in putting quality physical education and school sport at the heart of a school’s planning, practice and ethos.

The Gold Award also highlights that the school has shown excellent practice across the core areas of the Award and demonstrated an on-going commitment to increase young people’s opportunities and engagement in quality physical education, school sport and leadership and provide clear pathways to life-long participation in sport.

Royal Mail Young Letter Writer 2015

Thank you to the pupils for their competition entries.

We have received confirmation from Royal Mail that the entries have been accepted.  They have received nearly 100,000 letters!  The judging process has started in earnest and every letter will now be read by our team of judges. 120 finalists will be selected, then the winners will be chosen by a panel of judges, including TV presenter Helen Skelton.

It will take about two months for the judges to read through all the letters and select the 120 finalists.  We will be notified around the end of January if any of our entries is a finalist or a winner.

Parent/Carer Survey

As you may be aware East Renfrewshire Council are currently  reviewing  admin/clerical processes across the department and also looking to improve upon the current online payments system.

Given the obvious link between both they have created a short survey for parents/carers which they hope will capture your views on both preferred methods of general (admin type) communications with schools/pre-five establishments and also your thoughts on the online payment solution.

If you could spare a few minutes to complete the survey it would greatly appeciated.

Many thanks

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