Category Archives: parents

End of Term

Everyone enjoyed Primary 6’s wonderful ‘Happiness’ assembly this morning at the church.

Well done to Miss Harris and P6.

The school is now closed for the spring holiday and will re-open on Tuesday 18th April at 9am.


Feedback link

For those parents unable to complete the evaluation after last nights’   Supporting Pupils with a Dyslexic Learning Profile evening, we include a copy of the feedback form at the link below, all replies will be gratefully received. Please click on the image.


Parent and Carer Workshop


Williamwood Cluster

Early Learning & Childcare Forum

Parent & Carer Workshop


Dear Parent/Carer

You are invited to a Williamwood Cluster Parent & Carer Workshop that has been arranged for Tuesday 7th March 2017 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in Cart Mill Family Centre.

The focus of the workshop is ‘The value of learning through play’ and our Educational Psychologists, Ainsley McGoldrick and Chris Atherton, will share research on why play is so important to children’s learning and on how best to support your child as they grow and develop. There will be time at the end of the session to ask any questions you might have.  Tea and coffee will be available on arrival.