Barrhead English dept celebrated World Book Day by asking “If YOU were a book…which book would you be?”
All the pupils produced a poster to show what book they are most like. The response has been AMAZING. We have had everything from “Where’s Wally?” to the dictionary and “The perks of being a wallflower”. A large number of staff also took part.
There were prizes for the best entry from each of the first year classes. The winners are pictured below with their entries:
Tori with “Alice In Wonderland”, Mark with “Justice, truth and pizza”, Andrew with “The Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”, Sophie with “Little Red Riding Hood” and Jim with “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”.
All pupils were also offered a World Book Day token and the chance to get a FREE book written just for today.
The English dept walls have never looked so colourful.
The new Higher English twitter page is now up and running. Please follow the link on the right-hand side.