Today is Thank you Thursday. To celebrate this day, I asked the children to think about what they are thankful for. Below are just some of the comments from our children …
I am thankful for everything I have in life, having amazing friends and family and I am thankful for FaceTime being invented, so I can still see my friends – Chloe
I’m thankful for the home that I have and family and friends too π – Zakk
I am thankful for all the work and different subjects that you have taught us. And all of the things that we have been through together as a class.Im also thankful for everything I have and my family I’m also thankful for all of my friends. – Sebastian
I am Thankful for my family, who do a lot for me everyday,thankful for my dog who makes me laugh, thankful for You and thankful for the whole of Mearns Primary School, who made my primary school days amazing :). I am also thankful for my friends, they make me feel better when i am sad, they are funny, kind and caring – Siobhan
I am Thankful for my friends , family and the NHS – Alisha
I am so thankful for having a safe home to live in, my health, my loving family and my amazing friends,and a great teacher like you Miss Barr! and we are all so extremely lucky to have the health service that we do, and all the health workers who are doing everything they can for us. – Maya
I am so thankful for having a healthy safe home to live in, my amazing family and friends that I love so much, and to have a great teacher that helps us so that we still have a good education through all of this. I feel so lucky to have my mum and her boyfriend working in the NHS and for the health services our country is provided with. Thank you Miss Barr for making sure we still have school to do – Isla