Police Scotland Visit

Police Scotland came to deliver a talk related to discrimination and hate crimes in the Eco garden.  Johnny explained how serious these crimes were and the ways in which Police Scotland dealt with them. He very kindly answered all our questions about being a police officer too. 

Outdoor learning

What a mix of weather we experienced this afternoon! Beautiful sunshine to torrential rain in seconds!

We all had a great time playing some listening games then moving on to learn about creating maps. We need to do a little more work on planning before we start creating next time as we missed some important things out from our maps and got a little muddled with the different objects we were using. Its great knowing this is an area we need to work on and we will certainly focus on that next time 😊


4.14 had a brilliant day out at Vikingar in Largs. We experienced life as a Viking – spending time in a longhouse learning about daily life & comparing it to our own. We were surprised they ate and drank some of the same things we do, but instead of a cup used a ram’s horn for drinking, loudly shouting “Skol!” We tried on helmets & clothes of a typical villager from the farmer & craftsman to the wealthy trader. We learnt about the history of battle of Largs which took place right across the road on the beach! It really brought the topic to life & the class would highly recommend 😍