All posts by Mrs Kelly

Spelling Outside

One of the activities we did today helped us revise spelling rules and create words using letter stones.

Have a look and listen to the following videos and see how we worked together to revise some of the spelling rules we have learned.

The Promise and leaf rubbing

After listening to the story The Promise, by Nicola Davies and Laura Carlin, which was launched as a video animation on Monday in Scotland, we had some great discussions on nature, how being outside in nature makes us feel and how growing things is such a satisfying and happy and joyful experience .  Here is a link to the website where you can listen to the story again and watch the animation too.

We then went outside and collected some interesting leaves and made some beautiful leaf rubbings using colourful oil pastels.

Flower and leaf pressing

The week before the October holiday we all made and designed our fantastic high tech outdoor clip board flower presses (HTOCFP for short!) We went out into the ECO garden and collected some leaves and flowers to press.

We carefully placed the items we picked into our presses and stored them away in our folders till today when we opened them and had a good look at them on a light box. It was really exciting to see what happened to them over the two weeks.





Outdoor learning

What a mix of weather we experienced this afternoon! Beautiful sunshine to torrential rain in seconds!

We all had a great time playing some listening games then moving on to learn about creating maps. We need to do a little more work on planning before we start creating next time as we missed some important things out from our maps and got a little muddled with the different objects we were using. Its great knowing this is an area we need to work on and we will certainly focus on that next time 😊