Nature observations and orienteering games

What a difference a week makes with the weather, today was glorious and we were outside all morning without our jackets!

On our way out to start our day we noticed some beautiful webs and even a field full of them when we reached the back of the pitch. What clever little creatures they are creating such beautiful and intricate webs. ๐Ÿ•ท

We then moved on to revising addition strategies playing team games before moving on to some orienteering games. In teams we matched numbers on a clock face to our list and found lots of outdoor nouns written on stones then worked together to note down alliterative adjectives to match them.

our final game involved using a map to locate numbered balls. We learned about how important it is to identify where north is and to hold your map the correct way round!

As well as all this, some of us found some beautiful creatures crawling and squirming enjoying the sunshine just like us! ๐ŸŒž


Abandoned orienteering!

After a class vote and the idea that setting up the shelters would be fun and practical to help protect us from the rain, we decided to head outside to do just that before learning some new orienteering games… off we headed all ready in our wellies and waterproofs…..

And then we changed our minds! Great teamwork and amazing organisational skills got us only so far, but the wind threatened to blow us away, so we came back inside. We got our wet gear off and ย used our technology and artistic skills to create some fabulous outdoor learning โ€˜high-techโ€™ clipboards. Hopefully we will be able to use them soon. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Outdoor learning

The weather was brilliant this morning while we were outside learning. The sun shone and the rain stayed off. ๐ŸŒž

We worked in groups to plan and create birds eye view maps of the school grounds. Lots of discovering took place too as we went out and found sticks and moss and leaves and stones and….the list goes on!

We were careful to use only what we needed and to select items that were a good size for our maps rather than breaking up bigger things (mainly sticks). This means we are looking after our land and resources and ensuring there is still plenty out there to use and learn about in the future too. ๐Ÿ‘