Outdoor number exploring

Today we made the shape of a pentagon and agreed that it must have five corners and five sides but that the sides didn’t have to be the same length.

We then moved on to play some games to encourage us to think about how we manipulate numbers and the easiest way to add them together to find the total. We looked for numbers that add to ten first, this seemed to be the favourite strategy! After that we looked for double numbers and near doubles. It was amazing just how many different ways we found to add up a few numbers and it was great to see how other people do this.

Outdoor time

The sun shone all afternoon for us as we enjoyed learning about time outside today.

We played some warm up games to remind us about direction before moving on to making some numbers for our giant clock.

After that we talked about how the minute hand and hour hand move round the clock….


before making our own little clocks and playing some games with them showing how the hands on a clock move.

We then played a time hunt game where we had great fun hiding and searching for times to put on our giant clock.


Outdoor angle investigations

Today we learned all about acute, right, obtuse and straight angles. We learned to identify them, tell the difference between them, make them and then use them to make shapes. We did all this through playing games and investigating outside.

Outdoor mental maths and problem solving

After a triangle hunt on the way out to the pitch we organised ourselves into the shape of a triangle. While we were doing that some of the girls and boys noticed some triangles made by the clouds…..unfortunately they moved too quickly and we didn’t quite take the photos on time!

We then continued our learning using our mental maths skills to solve problems making certain totals along the sides of triangles.

and create friends of ten rockets by creating calculations that gave the answer ten inside the shape of a rocket made using sticks.

The sun shone for us all afternoon too which was great? 🌞

STEM fortnight

Our stem focus this year is ‘Innovation for the future’.

We are focussing on Hospitals.

Our young architects began by planning the hospital.


The children had fun cracking passwords today as part of Cyber Week Scotland. We started by having simple, one-word passwords. They were easy to guess!

We then found out how much harder to was to crack them by adding a number. It was getting trickier!

Finally we added a colour too. By using three simple words, we were able to make passwords that were easy for us to remember, but hard for others to guess.

We used autodraw.com to draw options for our passwords.


Yesterday we had a chance to check how important it is to wash our hands properly. After rubbing some Bug Lotion on our hands, we have checked how germs would spread- our hands glowed under the UV light (nails were especially bad!). We then split into two groups to test what is more effective: washing hands with soap and water or hand sanitising. The results were clear… Wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible.

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