Our Pupils

We recognise and celebrate the individuality of all the children and young people who attend Willowbank School.  Our pupils come from a wide catchment area within East Ayrshire and beyond.  Getting It Right For Every Child is at the heart of what we do.

All of our learners have additional support needs.  Pupils’ barriers to learning include Cerebral Palsy, complex learning needs, Autism, complex behavioural needs, Down’s Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, ADHD, sensory and motor impairments, and many other additional needs and disabilities.

We work in partnership with a variety of agencies and support services in order to meet these needs and to ensure that our pupils have the best possible opportunities to develop as Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors.

All our of pupils have an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) or in some cases a Coordinated Support Plan (CSP).  You and your child will be fully involved in developing these plans at all stages.

Additional and more specific information on Additional Support Needs can be found on the council’s website.

All pupils are given access to a highly individualised curriculum based on their needs, abilities and interests.

Willowbank Pupil Council is well established.  The council is made up of our elected School Captains Team as well as a class representative from each class, and members of the Senior Leadership Team.

The agendas of our regular meetings are pre-set and issued to classes prior to the meetings.  The school ethos and positive relationships are often discussed as well as current events and issues which are impacting on the school.

Everyone is given an opportunity to contribute their ideas, make choices in what they do and learn and plan for school events.

Pictured with Mrs Smallwood and Mr Campbell Caldwell are our elected School Captains and Vice Captains for session 2023 – 2024.

Pupils are offered support throughout the day to make choices as much as is possible.  Staff support pupils to do so in a way which is appropriate to their needs.


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