Maths Week 2022

We will be celebrating Maths Week Scotland in all four playrooms between 26th September – 2nd October. 🧮

The theme for this year is “Beauty in Maths” 🎨👩‍🔬

There will be activity bags each following a different theme that will make their way through the playrooms from Monday to Thursday. We will be looking at:

Shape 🔷🔵

Numbers 🔢

Measurement 📐

Symmetry 🦋

On the final day the whole centre will have the opportunity to take part in a group experience to explore and celebrate the beauty of maths together.


Here is the link for more information on Maths Week Scotland

Scotland - Maths - Maths Week Scotland 2021 - Maths puzzles for classroom or home with BBC Bitesize Scotland - BBC Bitesize


There are lots of in-person and online events planned to celebrate Maths Week, with exhibitions in museums across Scotland and online competitions running. The big family weekend is Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October, why not have a look and see if there is something you fancy visiting in our local area or beyond: