We hope that our (soon to be) new S1 pupils and parents / carers find this section of our blog useful. We understand that this may seem like a big change, with lots of new procedures and processes to get used to. We are confident that you will find our school similar to our excellent associated primaries

The tabs below contain important information and links to documents that will hopefully answer most of your questions. Our school contact details can be found at the foot of this webpage. Please direct your enquiries to Mr McGurn.

Clothing Grant / Free School Meals / Transport

The link below will take you to The East Ayrshire website page that contains details on ellegibility for free school meals and school clothing grants. If you are eligible, click on the ‘apply online’ section to access the portal.


If your child is eligible for transport to the school you must apply via the link below:



School meals

  • The Parent Pay system requires you to re-register your child once they attend secondary school. This can only be done after they have left primary school. An email or letter will be sent to you During the summer holidays with details of how to register your child at RBA.
  • If there are any delays with this then don’t panic! If your child wishes to get a school lunch or is entitled to a free school meal this will still be catered for simply by asking the catering staff until this is resolved.
  • Our school operates a pre-order portal which can be easily accessed by parents or pupils to place their order by 11am each day. This reduces waiting times and ensures availability.
The School Day

Click on the image to enlarge

RBA Building Guide

Click on the image to enlarge

Travel Plan

Click on the images to open or enlarge each document

Bus Times
House System

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Dress Code

We encourage and expect all of our pupils to wear full school uniform. We have a number of local suppliers who stock our uniform including:

Ayrshire Schoolwear

Kenny’s Kilts


School Visits

The induction day visits for P7 will take place on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June. A letter will be sent to parent nearer the time with the arrangements for both days.