Welcome Back! – School Return Info

Welcome Back! We hope this information finds you and your family safe and you have been able to enjoy your summer break.

We look forward to seeing all pupils back in school on Thursday 18th August. Our new S1 pupils should have received a letter confirming their PLP class and details for the first day. All S1 pupils should make their way to Barony Hall for 8.45am where they will be met by their PLP teacher who will escort them to class. S5/6 pupils who acted as senior guides during the two induction days in June should also go straight to Barony Hall for 8.45am to meet their class.

Our PLP teachers and classrooms have also been updated. It is important that everyone checks the attached document to find out where there PLP class will be located this year.

See you all very soon!


PLP Classes August 2022

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