Parental Empowerment

We are looking for any parents or carers who would be interested in joining other like-minded adults in participating in our Parent al Empowerment Programme. This programme is a joint venture between the school and other East Ayrshire council partners.

The Parental Empowerment Programme is the key to unlocking the potential held within us. It provides scope to develop our skills and qualities whilst enhancing our self-esteem and confidence. Training and volunteering opportunities out-with the Parental Empowerment Programme will be available. Opportunities will be provided for community led projects or ideas. The attached flyer has more information on what options are available to participants.

If you would like to take part, all you have to do is express your interest by emailing the school at:

Please mark this for the attention of Mr McGurn, we will then contact you to talk through the stages of the programme, by emailing us, you are not signing up to the programme.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Parental Empowerment Leaflet (3)

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