Senior Phase Pupils Returning to School w/b 22nd February

Please find attached documents containing more information for Senior Phase pupils returning to school next week.  The first document is general information and guidance on how the school day will operate, please take time to read this before returning to school.


The second document is a timetable showing which subjects will be in each day to allow pupils to plan in advance what days they will be in school. Pupils should look for their subject and the time that they usually attend that subject (right hand column) to see what date applies to their class. However, it is important that pupils check their class Teams page and only attend on this day if their class teacher has confirmed this with them.


We urge pupils to take part in the voluntary testing programme. These tests are available from the school. See previous communications for details of the testing programme and how to give your consent.


RBA Phased Return

Pupil Timetable 22 Feb – 26 Feb (1)

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