Senior Phase Pupils Phased Return- 22nd February

We are delighted to have received confirmation from the First Minister that Senior Phase pupils (S4-6) can begin a phased return to school from Monday 22nd February.

As previously indicated the purpose of this phased return is to support learning and teaching in subjects where there are the highest levels of practical work that require in-school facilities and cannot be undertaken remotely. Pupils will not return to school to immediately begin work on assessments, this will be a resumption of normal learning and teaching to ensure that they have a secure foundation and course coverage prior to formal assessment taking place in the later stages of the 2020/21 academic session.

Remote learning will continue for all BGE pupils and Senior Phase pupils.

As we are only permitted to include 5-8% of the school roll on the premises for these purposes it is important that your child checks their class Teams page for information from their teacher regarding which day(s) they will be in school. In order to ensure pupils across all practical subjects are given an opportunity to come into school to carry out their work, a rota will be created spanning the next three weeks. Pupils should not attend school unless they have been notified by their class teacher or PTG. 


Senior Phase pupils who will be attending school are invited to take part in the voluntary NHS COVID-19 testing programme. A letter detailing what is required is attached. You can confirm your child’s participation by completing the Glow Form attached below. 



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