Remote Learning and Free Resources

As we move towards another period of remote learning we feel it would be beneficial for pupils and parents to have a look over the attached document that contains guidance on using Microsoft Teams to access live lessons and other curricular content.

Parental and Pupil Guidance for Remote Learning

We will also be publishing a weekly planner for all year groups every Sunday evening via our school blog and app.

In preparation for remote learning the following resources may be of interest to you.


Free Microsoft Office Tools

  1. Log in to Glow
  2. Go to Scotland Launch Pad
  3. Click on the ‘Download Office Now’ tile
  4. Get free Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Access and more


Accessing Glow via your console

Follow the YouTube links below to see how you can access Glow via your console


Xbox One-


Free Mobile Data Increases

A number of network providers are providing additional data allowance free of charge to support online learning. More details can be found here:


Please check back on Sunday evening for details on the work set for next week.

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